
There is no dub though.

Then why keep the old actors?

Craig McCracken himself said the staff made the show for themselves first. It was first called woopass stew based on how much he got sick of sailor moon from what I heard.
The latest WOY episode is a MST3K reference anyway. How many kids will get that?

Donkey kong country 3 anybody?

If you don't praise the living crap out of them they won't let you use their music.

MLP is worst though.

It just feels less enjoyable. Season 5 seems like it's good from what I seen though.

MLP is worst then most of the others porn wise though. You can easily find such pictures with safe search on.

this is more for stuff you could see on TV?

It's such a shame it went down hill.

There is a difence between putting up with a show your kids like and a fandom full with porn and drama.

This was WAY better then I expected.

>tfw when furry and brony

Couldn't they have picked a better picture?

>Look at that, another show the world ended. Fuck. First Colbert, now this? What’s a 16 year old supposed to watch?
Dude you can watch anything. You have the internet.

It's only aired in AUS at like 12am when it could easily get a earlier time.

It's rather boring but it might grow on me. I didn't have that high of hopes from it though.

Reboot into a new one?

They should move it on another day where people aren't hyped for Game Of Thrones.

FBI will close this gang site soon.