
A tiny amount of web sleuthing reveals Vance’s parents were divorced when he was a toddler. Therefore must be all kinds of messed up and unqualified to run for Congress. See how that works?

Also I read his book Hillbilly Elegy sometime ago. And now I want my money back!

Who’s cutting onions in here? Sob.

It has to have been happenstance that I watched Love Actually on the very day this performance took place.  Both Sides Now was prominently featured there too.

Even better is a flexible silicone sheet (Silpat is a brand name) that you can roll into a makeshift funnel. It then can do double duty by lining your cake pan or cookie sheet!

Do NOT use paper towels as a substitute. You may get yourself clean-ish. But you will also clog the toilet.

I work at a university and used to frequent a gym here. I stopped doing so during Summer School for exactly this reason. The teenagers were using it much more as a social club than a workout space. They tended to congregate on the few stretching mats available and use them like they were a beach. Grrrrr.

In a similar situation, it took loud, rowdy protests at all hours directly outside of the home of Boston’s Mayor Michelle Wu for her to try to get police involved, and then largely because of the impact it had on neighbors. The reason for the protest was a COVID vaccine mandate for public sector employees. It required

True story—I once saw a car in the high speed lane on 95 in Massachusetts. The driver was going WAY over the speed limit and steering only with his knees. What was he doing with his two hands, you ask? Eating a bowl of soup. And when he was finished with that, he actually started scratching off lottery tickets. It

Nope.  I hate KoolAid.

I hate this “yay, team” forced socialization stuff. Pre-pandemic we had a yearly divisional command performance summer picnic. It was during work hours, but still I had to walk 30 minutes during the height of Summer to get there. I tried to weasel out of attending the last one, but was strong-armed by multiple

Gobble, gobble!

Now THIS would be the perfect application of three strikes and you’re out, don’t you think?

I literally saw a dude’s profile on OKC today that had a single selfie taken from just below his chin with the booger in his left nostril clearly visible. I mean, c’mon, I’d almost have thought it was a bad joke, except nothing else about his profile indicated any sense of humor.

How does >1=many? My ideal would be three or four decent pictures and a bit of descriptive text. Not a novel. Just enough to know I’d be in the same relative ballpark with someone. How can someone who posts one blurry shot of part of their face and “up for anything, hate drama” expect to be taken seriously or find

It is hard to get good pictures of one’s self, I agree.  But to my mind posting only one, especially if there’s also little-to-no descriptive text, shows a certain laziness.  The apps are a tool for marketing one’s self, after all.  Why would I buy with next to no information on someone?

In my couple of years on the apps, I’d have to say the vast majority of the profiles I’ve read have at least two cliches if not more or, worse yet, contain only one picture, sometimes not even of a person. There is soooooo much dreck to sort through it often doesn’t even seem worth the effort. I’d probably have better

Not everything. I go to BB&B exclusively to get two SodaStream CO2 refill cartridges. Those retail pretty much everywhere for $15/each when you’re turning in an empty. Those $10 off a $30 purchase coupons are a godsend in this case.

It could also be that she’s reached the inevitable age where the desirable roles are drying up and this announcement makes her look proactive about controlling her destiny.

I was a member of a wedding party once and invited to the rehearsal dinner. At the end of the dinner the bride’s father stood up and said, “Let’s split this evenly. Put your credit cards on this plate (which he then passed around.

The bride was a friend for a time. We’d invite her and her husband for dinner and spend

Certain browsers have a setting that deletes cookies every time you close the browser. That’s how I get around metered pay walls.

Yes, that’s exactly what I would expect. The places I’ve gone didn’t do that. I swear my feet turned blue in about 30 minutes. At which point I said F this and left.