
Apologies on the weird time inconsistencies. I wrote this up several years ago and post it every year when I remember the contest but I always end up like 1500 posts down in the greys. To clarify, this happened in the mid 1990s, my dad has been backpacking in these same woods since the 1970s. Obviously should have

This happened 30 years ago. My dad and two friends were on a backpacking trip to a remote region of the Medicine Bow Wilderness. It was a quick, uneventful weekend trip, and the two friends actually left early Sunday morning to get home because they had to work the next day (it’s about a 2 hour hike in from the canyon

I was waiting for the call for story submissions this year, and I totally missed it! By the time I posted my story, it was way waaaay in the grays after about 2000 other posts. Anyway, here it is again - creepy camping story! Loved the one from this year that got picked with the footprints in the snow. Eek!!:

This story comes from my dad - an avid outdoorsmen. He and my mom bonded in college over a mutual love of the outdoors, camping, and hiking. Though they met and settled in Colorado, this story takes place in the wilderness of Wyoming on a trail with infrequent visitors - a favorite haunt of my parents for the last 40

I don’t know if this qualifies as a burn per say, but it’s one of the best comebacks I’ve ever heard as a teacher. My student teaching mentor was an extremely kind, mild-mannered, church-going woman. Once, she had two high school boys in her English class who snickered when she said, “turn to page 69.” When she asked

This is gross. I hope this guy gets fired. :/

This wins. I have been laughing at this one for the last 10 minutes. What an asshole!! At least you got a good story from it (and $200!).

I had head lice when I was a kid and for many, many years after, I was convinced I still had them. Like, through college. I would buy the special shampoo once a year and go through the treatment process, convinced that some had still hung on. It sounds crazy now, but it was so visceral. I could feel them crawling

Here's what I posted to Time's Facebook wall:

My 15-year-old self thought that Stephen Dorff was hott stuff (with 2 ts) in Blade, but this picture—this just skeeves me out. I think it's the carefully sculpted six pack that was obviously greased up for this full frontal scene. I feel like whatever movie this was must have pushed his B-list status down to a low

I found it! Posted under "genesplicer" in the 2012 link. You definitely added a few creepy details (inadvertently) but still spooky: