
I actually like Musk. The guy slandered and was talking shit to him first after he offered to help with his sub telling him it was a PR stunt and to shove it up his ass. Musk most likely wanted to help because it was easy for him to do something about it. Then the guy wanted you to feel bad for him after Musk took

Please don`t tell for other people. I think Musk was right and court proved it.

I know we all dislike Musk as a person... but imagine the implications for free speech in America: every time you call someone a shitty name on the internet... you could immediately be sued and be financially ruined.  That’s not consistent with free speech in a modern democracy.

A wise man once said, and I’m paraphrasing George Carlin here, but go fuck yourself.

By Azura! By Azura! By Azura! it’s the grand champion!

Being the Witcher, I’m surprised they didn’t just patch on an option to shag her.

Clearly she deserves a fleshed out back-story now, right?

The Witcher: It Follows