
Can you imagine a whole summer of “wow, they killed Abraham, but at least everybody else is safe...OH MY GOD!!!!” instead of “just fucking tell me who is dead already.”

As many others have said in earlier updates: Thank you, Diana and company, for your refreshingly un-Gawkerish coverage of this...thing. Who knew that an (essentially) otherwise unreported story could make for such a compelling read without editorializing and zero jokes per post? I don’t know if this has been some kind

I think in a dozen years when future generations can look back on our movies, The Prestige will be regarded as Nolan’s masterpiece. That film is amazing.

If you had to pick a Nolan movie (I know The Martian wasn’t one but just saying since you brought up Interstellar), I’d say it’s a toss up for me between Inception and The Prestige. Both use kinda, sorta vague sci-fi and both have their strong suits. I love Inception but I’m going to say that The Prestige is just an

The Fifth Element.

While absolutely this was an indication that Jon’s emotions get the better of him, and was not sound battlefield tactics, Jon’s status as leader doesn’t really fall to his masterful planning: not for the Night’s Watch, not for the Wildlings, and not for the North. If we were to say he’s a horrible fucking general,

Meanwhile, Hulu is coming out with a new show called “Pretty Weird Stuff” that is about a bunch of 90's kids in New Jersey finding a dead alien behind a Wawa and then bragging about it to everyone they know over the next eight episodes.

The headline is a bit misleading. You should definitely experience living on your own in between living with roommates and living with a significant other.

And roll credits. Good movie? Good movie.


It makes me feel like this:

MRW I see Penny Dreadful didnt one one Nomination at all.

Penny Dreadful got snubbed. Again. Not best drama, no best acting for Dalton or Green, nothing. This is BS.