
So they can walk past protestors calling them a murderer? Or get called a slut/whore for having sex in the first place? Or called a sinner or condemned to hell for ending a pregnancy? Or be “just another” black or brown woman putting babies into the already overrun foster care system?

Luckily only women cause children to occur.

I am just like you. Go right to the source. Luckily, you’ve got the actual court document from GrapefruitSmile and you can read it. I know Woody was very unhappy that was put online because he could no longer lie about what happened- too bad! Also very important to read what the judge said about the ‘investigator’s

The Washington Post just wrote a really interesting article about his private notes and what the reveal:

So predatory even the family knew. How bad do you have to be that people won’t let you near a seven year old.

He did intentionally rip it off because it was a tear-away bodice. The whole black corset part was supposed to come off, but it malfunctioned somehow, and the cup came off, exposing her breast. It wasn’t really his fault or anyone’s fault; it was quite literally a wardrobe malfunction. Shit happens in live theatre,

Her being nineteen makes it not illegal. It doesn't make it not creepy.

I realize that we have no idea what "really" happened, but I believe Dylan's account. Woody Allen's lack of a moral compass leaves me no other choice but to rely on gut instinct. The way he tore apart Mia and her family with no regard to the outcome makes me pretty confident that he is a controlling, manipulative,

The diagnosis of Pedophilia has the specifiers of "exclusive type," in which they are only attracted to pre-pubesient children, and "non-exclusive type," in which they are attracted to pre-pubesient children and others along the age spectrum. It is actually more common that individuals diagnosed with Pedophilia will

This is, to my knowledge, true in terms of preferences. Woody demonstrates a pattern of choosing partners in their mid-to-late teens.

Nope, you're not. It also makes me sad that with the framing of Soon Yi as the adopted daughter as a way to lessen the impact of Woody Allen's relationship with her, it almost reinforces that an adopted child or a family with adopted children is not a "real family", that you can't love an adopted child or treat them

You know what I find so weird about every discussion about this shit? Almost every article that mentions Soon Yi refers to her as "Mia Farrow's adopted daughter". Why do they do this? If you adopt, that child is your child. Why is it never "Mia Farrow's daughter"? I feel like throwing in the "adopted" label serves as

Well, if you believe Dylan, he molested his daughter and then married his not-daughter. Both of whom were Mia's daughters. Dude was all up in Mia's daughters. Not okay.

Regardless of whether he was Soon-Yi's "father figure," he was (is?) the legal father of at least two of the children, Soon-Yi's siblings. At the very least, he is a dad who was willing to put his desire for a romantic relationship with his children's sister ahead of his relationship with his children. This

doesnt matter- he represented that to her and everyone else involved. I'd love to see you let a dude into your life and he takes over that role in your daughter's life . . . and then fucks her when she's 19 (or younger for all we know) and marries her. I'm sure you'd let it go and it would be NBD because he's not her

Thank you for pointing out some of the problems with how this is being discussed, and for trying to assert some much-need boundaries on this issue. But I don't see why "Woody Allen's relationship with Soon-Yi Previn" is irrelevant. I'm a social worker and a big part of my job is working with abused children and their

I disagree; Allen's relationship with Soon-Yi Previn is relevant. It shows he is willing to break a constellation of taboos and is genuinely bewildered that anyone has a problem with it. In other words, he puts his own wants before any norms of behavior and ahead of other people's feelings.

I think his relationship with Soon-Yi Previn could be argued as relevant. Another adopted child from the household, much younger than him.... come on.