And how does she keep the cats away from the dolls, unless the dolls kill the cat the minute she introduces one into the house?
And how does she keep the cats away from the dolls, unless the dolls kill the cat the minute she introduces one into the house?
I collect dolls and not cats, and I still laughed out loud!
A friend of mine likes to call this film “The Fish Fucking Movie,” which would’ve been an AMAZING title.
Sure the sexy fish thing is strikingly unusual, but outside of that, this plot has been done with aliens and animals in various forms.
After watching this week’s This is Us, I unplugged my electric toothbrush before I went to bed. Superbowl Sunday is gonna be bad...
Either your crock pot has rotted or you don’t know how to cook, because crock pots are the shit.
What the fuck did you put in your crock pot?
That does it! My slow cooker can now collect dust in a garbage dump rather than my counter! What if I continue to never use it and it just spontaneously combusts?!
I hate Jack.
Are you kidding me with this nonsense? America, we need to be smarter than this. Spit that Tide Pod you’ve got in your mouth out and go get your Crock Pot out of the trash.
Because I hate my job and will literally read anything regardless of how much I dont care. :/
why are you here
Equally cringey. Okay, sure, ban all the bloggers. While using the same publicity tactics & selling t-shirts. mmmkay
Very much team no one. They all seem like assholes.
As an old™ I have earned my right to tell her to shut up.
Sorry to fogey out, but this aspect of it being frictionlessly easy for people to have a public face and be exposed/expose themselves to the judgment and censure of millions when they have little life or work experience is one of the things I find problematic about the latter-day internet.
Well, I’m 49 and have no issue with her asking for a room. Not that she asked me — for my opinion, I mean, not to give her a room.
And when you’re aggressive about just wanting sex it can be a turn off to guys. At least based on my dating experience in my 20’s in the early 00’s. I’m old and married now so I don’t know if everything has changed.
Relevant paragraph from this article
Yeah, patriarchy has created some pretty fucked-up expectations in the minds of both men and women. People talk about how rapey “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” is, but my observation is that it’s hardly uncommon to say “boy, it’s getting late, I better get going” with the expectation that the response will be “c’mon, just…