
Fuck it.

When asked this question I usually try to figure out who the person asking supports. Then I say I voted for the other person.

I can see her voting, in West Palm Beach.

Shania and I have different ideas of what’s impressive I guess.

Calm down, Miss Gaga.

Well, that was depressing. Perhaps she should take a hiatus and hang out with some dogs or something.

Lane Bryant bought them out then closed the entire company about 3 to 4 years ago.

They went out of business in my area about 20 years ago. But, if they are still open, send her there.

Was I supposed to think that was spontaneous and that she took offense?

Do not send her to Old Navy! That’s my hangout...

She needs some goth in her life: Hot Topics all the way.

The story itself contains quotes from sources who say similarly vague things like, “The marriage may be over,” and “Teresa’s...learned she doesn’t need Joe.”

I was so mad that we spent alllllllll this time hearing about this house and watching it be constructed only to never actually see it finished on the show.

I know. I get that Tamra needs a storyline and that clearly she is at her breaking point with this situation, but this can only be pushing her daughter further away.

Vicki’s continued presence has ruined the show because no one really wants to film with her (except Kelly, who is too insane for words). So the whole Shannon-and-Tamra-hate-Vicki storyline keeps draaaagggginnngggg on. It’s been 2 seasons now. Enough. Ditch Vicki. She is poison. Also, stop trying to make random

Oh gosh. I’m so glad that I’m not missing anything. I just couldn’t take Kelly being a hose beast to Shannon. I don’t know what it is, but I really like Shannon. So I stopped watching after the second episode, but every know and then I have regret that I might be missing something. Apparently not.

The man was scum but he sure brought the drama.

“18- to 49-year-old women”

The new one is right about that at least, let it go bitches! Also Shannon, she gives me the feels and I want to hug her through my screen but that shit ain’t Vicki’s fault.