Once your goal is to literally vanish, logic can’t get a toehold.
Once your goal is to literally vanish, logic can’t get a toehold.
boom yes you me and mr orville can watch a funny show instead
Yeah, I’ve been in therapy for an ED for six years now, and even watching the trailer for this my fucked up mind kept feeling jealous of a fictional character whose life was falling apart.
I love the idea of on-screen narratives building a more understanding public when it comes to eating disorders, but if I watched…
Sometimes I’ll try to be like “no, you’re allowed to eat anything!” or “one cookie won’t kill you” in like an offhand, jokey voice, because I’m so scared if I talk about it too much I’ll be some weird food pusher or everyone will know about my weird history with food, which I still really struggle with discussing.…
Yeah, I remember when a woman came in to talk to us about her own eating disorder, and I took notes every time she mentioned how much she ate, or how hard she exercised. It just isn’t a disease that responds well to logical appeals.
Great article!
I want to star this twice. It is so hard for me to be sane about food when I’m surrounded by coworkers who go on about how baddddd they’re being when they eat a brownie, or how virtuous they are if they don’t. IT’S JUST FOOD.
Yeah, when I was starving myself everyone said you look great! because I was overweight. Only one person asked if I was eating enough, of course I lied to him, but he cared enough to ask, and that meant a lot.
I’m not sure you can make a film about EDs without it being potentially triggering to a person with one or recovering from one because how can you have a movie about anorexia without showing anorexic behavior, which is then going to be inherently triggering? I’m not saying movies about EDs should never be made but I…
I’ve never seen any of these films (my age and my unwillingness to be triggered has prevented me), but I really wish there were more movies that talked about diet culture and how it leads to EDs.
I’d love to see a movie about an eating disorder affecting someone who doesn’t look like their being affected by ED. I don’t think most people understand that you can be fat and be bulimic.
Good to see the classics never die.
This is progress, folks. He acknowledged an older woman and treated her the same way he treats younger, nubile women.
Trump is a personified HR violation. And of course, he still has a job.
Absolutely. ABSOLUTELY. He’s surprised he’s thinking about fucking a woman over 35.
And everyone knows he meant, “for your age.”
“There’s nothing gray about my gardens.”
Ellie will you be handling the Real Housewives recaps now that Kara has left us? Because I’d like to talk about the large chunk of screen-time devoted to Sonja’s hoo-ha maintenance.
has jezebel ever done a ranking of all of the real world seasons? i would read that. i would especially read that if it was written by Kara (*cry*)