Kurtis Meyers

Steal Away, great tune. Also featured in MacGruber

I was with you too…when Shudder first came out I was like okay nice try streaming sites, can't we just let Netflix handle this. But then I tried it back in October and I friggin' love it. Its collection is truly unparalleled across the board. Maybe Amazon Prime will have a VHS transfer of some super super low budget

Boy was this movie a bust. Felt like a straight-to-Redbox, tired 7th installment to an action franchise that should have starred Howie Long or something. There are 20 Jack Reacher books out there. Why they chose to go with Jack Reacher: Babysitter Drifter I have no idea. The first movie barely made enough of a mark to

My favorite books of all time, about TV or not, are Top of the Rock by Warren Littlefield and Live From New York by Miller and Shales. I feel those may be too specific to make it to this list but if anyone interested in the Must See TV era or all eras of SNL should check those both out.

If you clicked on this link because you are a fan of SNL you should read Spade's book. It's got some great insight on an amazing and important time for the show.

Such a great ep!! NNF has the best track record of having a guest I'm not very familiar with that becomes my favorite person by the end (Lauren Ash probably being the best example of that).

By "show your work," do you mean provide the countless episodes of NNF that feature the running joke of Jimmy's age?

How dare you call Jimmy Pardo a "fiftysomething." The man is 42.

Small correction…it's not "three women," it's two women (Kathie Durst and Susan Berman) and one male (Morris Black).

While I do agree that perhaps the rating on this episode could be a little higher, I appreciate the fact that Gwen expects so much from this show and wants more from it. Also I would hate to have to give this show, or any show, a letter grade week in and week out. I laughed my ass off tonight. Peter's storyline was