
Like ... What in the Actual Fuck? What brain problem do you need to have where collecting aborted fetuses IN YOUR OWN HOME seems like a good idea?

*looks at VHS library*

tell me about it.

A little known fact about why NJ law prohibits self-serve gas pumps is because some station owners lobbied the government to change it because one of their competitors, Irving Reingold, offered a lower price per gallon on the condition the customers pumps it themselves. The legislature at the time claimed it was for

Maybe it’s just me being grumpy lately, but can we at least acknowledge that the man did a good thing without picking apart the motives? Motives can matter, but right now? Where so many people’s rights are in jeopardy from the republican party and every little bit fucking counts regardless of where it comes from or

UGH the utter callousness of the Sheriff...He had to protect himself and he went home to his family....GARBAGE!!!!!

Multiple studies have shown that if you teach young children about their bodies and private parts as well as what consent is, it is easier for them to report any sexual abuse that happens to them. I suspect Republicans don’t want to children to learn these things because it would make it harder for them to molest

I like how people are free to do whatever they want, unless someone else doesn’t like it. That’s how I, a well known scholar, interpret the constitution as well.

Eat the rich.

To leave a comment like that? Nah, you just need to be a major asshole. 

If you can’t tell the difference in intent between the slogans, I don’t know what to tell you. 

“Make America Great Again” encompassed a whole lot more than “Buy American”

He says that in no way he meant to imply Black children lack a ”respect for learning.”

Speaking as a loyal Jezebel reader, do not presume to tell me what adult human being I should or should not lust after, thankyouverymuch.

Ugh, thank you so much for not just saying it… but saying it all so well. This was some contrived hot-take bullshit from the headline to the closing paragraph.

Jesus Jezebel’s coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been dreadful. I hardly know where to start.

All the money in the world to buy a yacht, and the interior still looks like my grandma’s kitchen with a “everything must be brown and wood” color scheme befitting the 1970s era in which it was last renovated. 

I love that he’s out on bail, letting everybody know he’s heading home.

Oh come on. Zalensky’s star power is undeniable. I don’t understand why Jez would complain about the attention he’s getting. Prince Harry and Duchess Meg got saturation coverage for months on end and they’re tedious dullards who have a fraction of Zalensky’s charisma.

Hopefully a farm will be created at 26°40′37″N 80°02′05″W.