
Pro-abortion? Is that what we’re calling fundamental and essential healthcare now to make the title more click-bait? The fuck does that mean, pro-abortion?

I’m glad I’m immune to the siren song of mint condition. I’d pay $25 for a loose copy of Secret of Mana with TIM COLLINS sloppily scrawled on both sides in magic marker and never need anything better.

In spite of the lack of impact (I once saw it compared to a car running over a soda can) this can be extremely traumatic psychologically for engineers. Sometimes it’s career-ending.

I’m still in the greys, and will likely forever remain so, but:

Better yet:

Oh... I, uh, don’t know if I’ll still come around anymore much after this.

I’m sure this isn’t an unpopular opinion, but anyone who behaves like that van driver should lose their license for life. There’s no excuse for that kind of irresponsibility. That’s someone who has well and truly proven that they are not sufficiently in touch with reality to be trusted with a vehicle.

Don’t comment here... comment here: (904) 630-0500

I can offer one possible explanation:

Really amazed at the “both-sides-ism” here.

Can we talk about how INSANELY good the CGI for Luke’s face was for this episode?

Can we settle on a style guide standard whereby we never call these stupid influencers by their handles after the initial introduction? Writing an entire article about the beef between “Ice Poseidon” and “Coffeezilla” and continuing to use those absurd names throughout, just proves that we’re truly in the dumbest

Absolutely. You can see it on the vehicles. They’ve nearly grown to tank proportions. And in case they’re not aggro enough from the factory, there’s the angry face Jeep grilles, lug nut spikes etc.

That’s a District Attorney grasping at straws to try to make an example of someone. I can’t see that charge possibly sticking unless the guy was threatening the driver or physically holding the door closed to prevent them from getting out. “That man was talking at me so passionately that I couldn’t leave for whole minu

All PD’s should be totally controlled by civilian boards with DA and Police agents acting as advisors. Also, any damages resulting from police misconduct should be taken from the department’s pension fund. No funds from seizures/forfeiture/fines should ever make their way into the PD’s budget (nor that of the

I used to be all about flipping people off if they tailgated me or cut me off, etc. Now I just let things roll because in the last 30-ish years since I got my license road rage has gone from getting the bird back at you to this kind of shit. Ain’t worth it. Let the other idiot think they win - at least you can walk

He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.

I know we joke about this psycho, but the concerted effort by Trump and his bootlicking Republican allies to win these critical Secretaries of State offices is absolutely terrifying. They are openly running on the promise that they will overturn the election results in 2024 if they don’t like the outcomes. As a

Wait, there’s a road that doesn’t allow any trucks... including pickups? Hell, I want More of those!

I only read the Pornhub articles.