
OMGods, Jason of Star Command... awful. And breifly the only Space-based series on the air... and yes the music was copped whole cloth from ST:TAS. The "life Support Belts" were also a stolen idea - the animated ST did not want to take time to draw pressure suits, and this series didn't want to pay for pressure suit

Gahhhhh Auuughhhhh.. Kill it with fire! I hated this show as a kid. Most of the adults in my life didnt get why I thought it was so awful.

They tried "reformatting" Buck Rodgers in it's 2nd season to make it "edgier" and more action oriented, but many many missteps, including cheaping out on FX and model sequences (the Glen Larson endless recycling tactic). Endless long shots of contrails? Really? And Hawk should have rightly ripped out Buck's throat,

Actually, I agree and see your point. ST:TNG didn't really find itself till it's forth year. Thankfully the fans were rab– ... um... entusuastic enough to keep it in the air till it could get its legs.

Which is a miracle in itself. In modern SF TV buys, which are micro-seasons of 6-9 episodes... if you've not found

*HEAD :: TILT* ... Wha?

The Foundation books are intriguing, fascinating and engrossing, good head food. But as far as adventure... um... nope. No films coming from these.

At the time, it was the film that saved the ST franchise, given the dull, plodding effects overheavy mess that was ST:TMP. It managed to inject some actual action and adventure back into the series. Otherwise, that would likely have been the end of ST Media if ST II had bombed.

I detested Space 1999 for the crap science and the unappealing characters. The best episodes turned out to be the ones where they stuffed Commander Koenig in an Eagle and got him the hell out of the way for the bulk of the episode. And what was with the infinite supply of Eagles? They have a factory? replicators? But

I honestly don't believe that SyFy can DO "hard" SF. The closest they've come recently was the BSG Reboot, which veered too much into religious debate and MeloDramaDramaDramaEmoFeelz. But still one of their better outings, other than the incessant and annoying season chopping nonsense.

Makes more sense than anything said or implied by the actual show.

They did a freekin'g EVA. Unless the whole goddamn blimp hangar was a vacumn tank... And I'm in my 50s, raised in NYC, been to the Hayden Planetarium many many times, I am well aware of planetarium tech of the 60.

NO WAY. And just look at any rear-projection scene from the era. NO WAY. That sound of breaking metal and

Serioiusly. That young lady annoyed me to tears by only having three expressions, scared, surprised and cold stare. That is not an acting range, young lady. On the other hand, the script didn't much allow for much else from the role.

Seriously? TOTALLY saw that coming. (and too bad, she was a deliciously nasty antagonist)

Don't trust the scripwriters... they're a**holes.

Oh yes, a mess. But intriguing enough to get past my annoyance at the bait-and-switch end of part 1. But after negotiating the freeway of plot holes to the final "wait. What? HUH?" I am just pissed off at the whole "Pilot" aftertaste. The pacing of parts 2 and 3 hinted towards a climax and resolution, but we get a

Probably because Harry Mudd had no concept, and didn't particularly CARE about the consequences of his selfish actions. Would make an interesting analogy/parody to contemporary American Political behavior. Interestingly enough, I think I read someplace that the original script pitch for "The Trouble With Tribbles"


Good heavens yes. And so very sorry for the lenghty delay, have been away from the sites with projects.
Have a look at some bits at www.fantastic-realities.com

Way to go to be utter ignorant, destructive assholes to make a point. Greenpeace, we're so DONE.

I can understand the critcism, but I am rather ok with them NOT being spot on take-offs. It's more a point of projected intersection between Rockwell's work and the Comic Art world. I like 'em, and I assure you I would not confuse the two artists, and I'm all right with it.