
[cynicism] That would be nice [/cynicism]

My Gods, the theme song. It was such a departure from the symphonic themes that it should have been a warning sign - “watch out.” But aspersions aimed towards the cast seem off base, but the writing... oh GODS, the WRITING, with the utter disregard for Trek canon was just jarring. I’ll admit that the show pulled it’s

Apparently the Hayen Christensen School of Acting...


“...Warner Bros. and CBS are still arguing about money.”

I was JUST thinking of Dark Crystal. But Brian Froud AND Jim Henson... OMYFREAKINGGODS. I don’t care it’s not quite live-action.

It occurs to be that challenging is beyond the word for what Cameron is attempting. But my inner cynic is kind of thinking that if II or III stinks and dies at the box office (Matrix Revolution, anyone?) he’ll still have the whole stack in the can... Sorry, been burned before. And gods know that he’ll have to take the

Given what he was up against, I appluad the taking responsibily, but draw the line at him kicking his own ass too gorram hard. AoU was still a lot of fun, warts included, but still better than a LOT of stuff out there. The fact that Joss Whedon holds himself to incredibly high creative and production standardss, has

I am reminded of a calmer Rich Corben, but a little less psychotic- was very big in the 80s early 90s. Think of Den from the Heavy Metal days.

The notion of dissembling you into energy for remote transmission is weighted down with a couple of big problems with the physics. For starters, there’s E=MC^2 - so take a human body at 100kg or so - that’s a LOT of energy, folks – just floating around the transporter chamber. RUN!

Oh yes, we’re also storing the

Saw it last night and was way cooler and a lot more fun than I expected. With Guardians of the Galaxy and Interstellar in the same year - it was a good year.

Hathor was kinda hot, tho'...

Holy... gorram... FRAK...

"I get that, legally, they can do this. It doesn't make it right."

I believe the point trying to be made, is that we need to set appropriate rules for our young folk, so that one's inevitable teen-age stupidity does not end up f**king your gorram LIVES. You should hopefully survive being teenage and little more than a hormone looking for a place to happen and eventually grow up to

Sure the FRAK seems that way....

Sturgeon's Law - ""Ninety percent of everything is crap"

But don't think we're picking on SF and Fantasy... "Using the same standards that categorize 90% of science fiction as trash, crud, or crap, it can be argued that 90% of film, literature, consumer goods, etc. are crap. In other words, the claim (or fact) that

Actually, the better Anime series, and especially films, take the cliche's and then SMACK THEM TO BITS WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER - and along with it, the watcher's assumptions and expectations. Then we're on to something cool... they're relatively rare, but they are out there, and can be ripping yarns.

...not that shoujo or seinen don't have their own stack of cliche pitfalls.

But in Anime's defense, due to it's sheer prolific output of content, they have produced some genuine exceptional work, compared to the relative cultural and artistic wasteland of american animation, esp. TV animation most shallow in the late

Well there IS Sturgeon's Law - "99% of everything is crap!"