
Along with Juan Carlos Ruiz Burgos recent series - as a sometime illustrator I have always loved Norman Rockwell's Sat Eve Post Illustrations, and the DC Comic Heros... so these are just WONDERFUL. *geekgasm*

*geekgasm* As a sometime illustrator I have always loved Norman Rockwell's Sat Eve Post Illustrations, and the DC Comic Heros... so these are just WONDERFUL.

Well, perhaps at the time, it wasn't in the air. Or the publishers didn't have photography that suited their needs for a cover image. But Bob McCall was actually a draw in the day. In the 60s Illustrated covers were far far more common than they were today. In the current publishing world, being an illustrator is an

Becusae nice boomy 'plosions are WAY better tasty news than "glitch." Plus that sweet nasty sent of hubris and scandal....
"Virgin IGNORED warnings of DEATH FUEL!!!"

Was that snark? Imagine that...

When the scientific community started getting behind "hipple treehugger long-hair commie anti-business job-destroying" shit like environmental protection, clean air and water, protecting the citizenry from unscrupulous corporations, population control, sustainability, and alternative energy, causes that became

Essentially as the planets average mean temperature rises, it adds more energy to global weather systems. In general that means ... um... "more" weather. More energetic events, more randomness, more extreme events of all kinds.

This is actually funnier than most of Jim Davis's work... for about the last decade.

As a Graphic & Web Designer, with not inconsiderable overhead, have been down this road before in my own industry. When you drop 10K on kit and software, and 250K on your BFA, and then have to work as an intern, your skills are definitely undervalued.

Well, at nearly 10,000 likes as of tonight, not so gorram sad after all, you smug bastards. But apparently the page hit a nerve out there, mostly with creative and other professional users. But I'd put the heat to Intel as much ast to Apple, as the Sandy Bridge E5 series Xeon chips that Apple would need to put

While I generally like and enjoy using Apple products. Steve has manage to annoyed me routinely, ever since the hated and ill-conceived "hockey-puck" mouse.

As with many technological advances, it was a team effort with many talented (or driven) people contributing. Give 'em ALL some credit, why not?

With Microsoft being the 4th place also-ran contender in the four way throwdown and d**k-waving contest between them and Google, Apple, and Adobe, they need to get a credible fight plan and back in the ring. And MS is for sure in for the long haul.

Yadda yadda. Everybody can just shut the frak up and go home now. iPhones as tiny computers, as very attractive little slabs of electric crack, but as cell phones, there's as sucky as most others, esp, on AT&T.

OMGS... I had a 1040 ST back in the day, a terribly advanced computer for the time, with increasingly little good software. What can I say, great engineers, STUPID marketing.

I've been watching the escalating four-way mutual bitching fest with the fanboys and pundits lining up to take their favorite sides with both dismay and a jaded eye. It's weirdly ironic to see the Adobe vs Apple vs Google vs Microsoft THING unfold with MS being the distant forth contender. Kin? WinMobile? *cringe* But