
Last time I checked, we still have a democracy. Actually, it is more of a constitutional republic.

Reason.com, Conservative Review, NPR, Washington Post, New York Times, Drudge, The New American

WaPo slogan: Demoncracy Dies in Darkness. LOL. Tell me you won't be getting uber bias articles from that source.

Yeah, these people are so credible that they use unnamed sources all the time and then have to retract their stories.


Heh, it's really sad that CNN and PMSNBC are stooping down to Infowar levels of dementia and anger.

It's a hard job, but someone has to pitch that tent

I wasn't even aware he was conservative. I couldn't tell from his show on PMSNBC

The person at the camp site registry counter was not impressed.

I'm just looking forward to them going to the waterpark next week. For some reason, screaming "I got aids" to skip line is funnier to me than racial hot topics.

lol, once my friends reserved a camp site with my name, but changed my last name to Warner. Thanks guys.

lol, I don't even know what that is. I hope it isn't a Sunny reference because I thought I knew them all.

All I know about Old Black Man, is that he has terrible taste in movies.

There were a few laughs for me, but most of the jokes were way too predictable.