

I'm using my spare cash on spam

and…Dayman ahhh ahh ahh Fighter of the Night Man ahh ahh ahh!


I think the spelling you were looking for was G.O.V.E.R.N.M.E.N.T

I like to be able to stretch out when I sleep

ooooh =P. That makes more sense. My treehouse is only about 8 feet by 8 feet, so we are going to have to eventually chum some of the inhabitants for food

Fine, more room for me in my treehouse. You can go to Solar City and live there. I don't care! : ' (

I don't have electricity in that treehouse, we will have to eat them at treehouse room temperature…..105 degrees

It's okay, I made a pretty good treehouse and you guys are all welcome to come live in it with me. It will be above the water levels. We will have to fish with sticks broke off from my treehouse bearing tree

That won't compile

Just Say Yes >= Sober ??

Just Say Yes > Sober

As long as he doesn't make curry with that gross fish sauce stuff, I am cool.

I have heard that things can get real rocky in life after a horror show like that. Not a picture I would like to see.

Tim Curry…related to the basketball player? Or is he Indian ?

Just don't put your ass on that drain at the bottom of the pool. I have heard horror stories.

What does this have to do with Penelope Rockatansky?

That must have been one crazy night
