
July 15, 2009:

The problem here is that Gawker Media is usually really good about spoiler warnings, whether it be Gizmodo’s Walking Dead/Game of Thrones reviews or Jalopnik’s racing coverage. The fact that The Concourse just egregiously threw a spoiler RIGHT IN THE DAMN HEADLINE on a story that was then posted around Gawker

“You’ve had three days to see the movie”

Yeah, and now some people are going to avoid going to the site the rest of the day knowing that there is a spoiler on there. I don’t think advertisers like that very much.

The movie came out 4 days ago.

I’m recovering from surgery. I am not yet able to get out and see the movie. So imagine my disappointment in seeing the title, knowing the comic history of the Civil War storyline and eager to see if the movie follows a similar path. That is what has been taken away, only 3 days after the movie has come out. That is

Listen. I like The Concourse. It does some great things with film culture commentary. This article is not one of those things. If you guys want to troll, go play LoL.

Nobody is mad at people for talking about it, you fucking stooge, the point is you can talk about it in a discrete way so as not to spoil things for people who choose NOT to read about it until after they’ve seen it.

Because I’m sure that’s the only person who’s going to care about spoilers for one of the most hyped movies of the year being published in the headlines on opening weekend - not like anybody else cares, right? I mean if they didn’t bother to go opening weekend, they clearly must not care.

Grow up, working for Gawker doesn’t automatically make you in the right.

I was about to say. Looking at my tickets for Civil War after work today, taking a look at twitter. BAM! Well thanks for that.

Nothing happened?

Half of the Avengers are fugitives from international law, possibly all hiding out with asylum in Wakanda. Iron Man and Captain America are at best estranged friends, with Tony back in charge of whatever remains of the Avengers and Steve’s letter serving as a mea culpa with no clear resolution to

“I remember all of them.”