
I feel conflicted about the way Square has handled FFXV.

On one side several of the content updates have been free which is hard to get mad at , and in a sort of sad way even the standard paid DLC feels welcome in this age of microtransactions and lootboxes

On the other side, over this past year it has felt more and

No, I’m good...

This here is the face of WILLING mental retardation.

Probably Senua from HellBlade: Senuas Sacrifice. She was incredibly endearing and the performance her voice actor Melina Juergens gave was very powerful and heart wrenching.

Did you guys read? What he’s saying is that 3-5 was her number during the period of time that they knew each other before they started seeing each other. He’s still obviously letting these numbers and their perceived meaning get in the way of what, otherwise, sounds like a pretty healthy thing, but he’s being at least

I understand the confusion, and can see where you are coming from, but I think the distinction has a lot to do with ‘fan service’. Quiet and Cindy are overly sexualized for the sole purpose of service to straight males (and I want to gay women as a side effect, but probably not developer intent). And it’s not just

Yeah, the whole YorHa organization looks like they’d be right at home strutting down a runway. Normally, I’d take issue with combat androids dressed in haute couture, but considering how bonkers the NieR and Drakengard worlds can be, 2B’s and 9S’ attire is somehow appropriate.

It’s a mature reading of the situation that relies on nuance to make its point.

Uncensored version has FFVII spoiler.

FFXV, where any theory can work because there’s so little in the way of lore or narrative in the game itself.

Wow, that was just a bit condescending... But hey, someone had to take the initiative on the obligatory, “You found something about a video game difficult? Well, let me tell you how much smarter/better I am than you because I figured it out in no time at all,” comment.

This isn’t an opinion piece. Your response is your opinion of the facts presented in the article. I’m happy you enjoyed it, I had a decent time with it as well, but from a design perspective, the fact is the game is heavily flawed.

Didn’t Kayaba force all the SAO players’ avatars to look like their real-life selves when he trapped them all inside the game?

My reaction to this is a big, fat MEH. FFXV was so underwhelming. Such wasted potential. What they should have done is focus on getting it right the first time by giving us a camera that worked properly, combat that didnt feel all over the place, a meaningful, well developed story with proper character development, a

It's really not.

Really? Because it looks to me like you see people who talk about games, but aren't meeting your standard of "knowledge of the franchise". Which is pretty much the text book definition of Gatekeeping. They aren't gamers if they don't meet your standards? I'm not the idiot here.

Maybe if you didn't distrust that they were gamers, they wouldn't have to prove it to you.

Seriously? Fucking hell.

I don't play MMOs. I'm quoting someone else? Though people keep saying it's like one particular MMO in the comments, so IDK if it's as outlandish as you say.