4vengers 4 Furious
4vengers 4 Furious
Well, Gamora isn’t dead. She’s just trapped in the Soul Stone.
Michelle Pfeiffer is going to be the OG Wasp to Michael Douglas’ OG Ant-Man. And Glenn Close was the leader of the Nova Corp in Guardians of the Galaxy.
I think it’s only awkward the first time you see it in print. Once I heard it a few times (la-teen-x) I was fine with it.
I still tend to use Latino/a because that’s what I’m used to, but I get that the label isn’t for me, it’s for queer latin@s who felt they needed a shorthand way to speak about themselves.
Haha, yeah, that’s something I’ve thought about recently as a fan of the Clone Wars and Rebels animated series. Luke’s development never seemed ridiculous to me, but now that I’ve watched the gradual development of Ahsoka and Ezra (both of whom struggled against the Empire for years) it’s pretty absurd that Luke…
Great write-up Danette. I’ve been looking forward to this one.
I have my N64 hooked up and I will still occasionally play Star Wars Episode 1: Racer, mostly in a futile attempt to get 1st place in some of the more difficult tracks that I’ve never been able to completely master.
I think you’re underestimating the character’s popularity. It’s true she didn’t get a solo series until the 90's, but she’s been a core team member across the various incarnation of the Avengers, Defenders, SHIELD etc.
She has about 1,200+ appearances across various books since the 60's according to the Marvel wiki.…
You’re the real MVP.
I think “actual fans” would like to see a movie based on a popular character that has existed for 50 years.
I’m not trying to prove anything? It was just a hypothesis.
Thanks for that. Seems the word I was looking for was sapient. Sentient always gets used in science fiction though - strange.
Groot isn’t just a tree. He’s a member of a race of aliens known as Flora Colossus.
I wonder if Rocket wasn’t affected because he’s technically an animal and not a member of a sentient species.
Actually, there was a weird throwaway line in the last episode of SHIELD about “stuff happening in New York,” but the characters are dealing with an entirely separate alien invasion and don’t watch the news, so they’re completely unaware of what’s going on. It’ll be interesting to see if a bunch of people suddenly…
I saw the trailer in front of A Quiet Place. It was definitely creepy, but any unsettling feeling was immediately undercut by my realization that the high school kid was from the recent Jumanji movie.
All of this has happened before and will happen again.
The first trailer was hot hot garbage, mostly because there was barely a sign of the symbiote. You couldn’t even tell it was a Venom movie.
Judging by this trailer (which uses a lot of the same scenes) they hadn’t finished the effects yet, which just goes to show how fucking desperate Sony is since they shoved out…
The Latina Golden Girls spin-off should just be called Viejitas.
Says the sixth cup of water.