
They’re running out of prominent black characters that aren’t mutants though.

This is an obscure suggestion, but there was a mini-series a few years back called Mystery Men, which was about superheroes from the 1930s. It only got five issues, but I rather liked it, and an MCU period piece film would be fun and

Well have they checked the lost and found box?

Historically speaking, both Judas and Jesus were probably some dark brown dudes, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

No see, you’re having a mengele effect about the mandela effect.

There are porn ASMR vids, but not all ASMR is porn.

Oh wow. I forgot all about this crossover. Thanks for the memories!

How DARE you talk smack about the Boo Brothers!

Or, you know, their parents?

Wealthy celebrities might not need armed security if they didn’t have to worry about armed loony bin freaks that might come after them....

Why you trying to censor his speech brah?

I took a first date in high school to Bridge to Terabithia (2007). 

Marion Cotillard and Michael Fassbender.

Although in that case they went from terrible Shakespeare adaptation to terrible video game adaptation.

Because Tolkien worked on it on and off for 60 years. Started in 1914, died in 1973, and his son Christopher spent a few years finishing it and published the book in 1977.

Silmarillion means a lot to the family. 

haha fair enough. i guess i just have a high threshold for bad tattoos. 

So in other words, the most expensive failure in TV history?


This is hardly a terrible tattoo. I agree it’s too big though. I think the main issue is the branch that it’s perched on. It muddies up the phoenix shape and makes the negative space on his back very strange.

Get rid of the branch, shrink the phoenix by about 25%, and center it on his back and it would look

heh, pubic

Cleveland Show is the reverse though. Lots of supporting characters will spin off into other shows, sometimes on other networks. Though it is weird that Cleveland “returned” after his show ended.

But what’s happening here would be like if Family Guy was cancelled, Cleveland Show continued on for two years, and then

Yeah, “Black Panther vs. Jesus” would have been fine, but the “freaks” tag is an unnecessary jab.