I’m late to the party, but I always liked the Hirogen. Hunter Space Nomads is a cool concept.
I’m late to the party, but I always liked the Hirogen. Hunter Space Nomads is a cool concept.
How am I supposed to believe anything a dirty liberal sex dog has to say? #fakenews
I think the word you’re looking for is “plagiarism”
While I get what you’re saying, I think Zack has a very good point here.
For better or worse, Star Trek: Discovery is part of a much larger franchise. And for the show to make constant references to Star Trek’s mythology while simultaneously ignoring or rewriting other parts of that mythology is hardly “seeing what…
I think “great” is a strong word for High Castle, but it’s pretty good.
This should play during the end credits of the movie.
This is the first time I’ve ever wondered what’s going through the mind of a Halloween costume model.
Ah, hadn’t seen the Asia story. I admit I’ve mostly been reading the headlines.
What I find especially weird/creepy after reading multiple accounts is how he doesn’t really try all that hard. His routine seems to be 1) Set up business meeting in hotel 2) Conduct said business meeting wearing a bathrobe 3) Awkwardly wait for woman to begin having sex with him.
As far as I can tell, Rose McGowan is…
This looks incredible.
I had no interest in watching this until just now. I miss Fringe.
Wow. An AV Club video clip longer than 90 seconds. Color me impressed.
Did that really happen? I watched the first season as it aired and enjoyed it, but didn’t catch up with the rest until this summer. I’m glad I don’t actively participate in any fandoms.
While I don’t disagree with what you’re saying, I don’t think it’s that surprising. Weinstein is a studio executive. He was powerful and successful sure, but he doesn’t have the same kind of public presence that famous actors, directors, musicians, politicians, etc. have.
He’s good in that football movie with George Clooney, but yeah, other than that, he hasn’t been able to escape Jim.
^ This. But also, Hispanic as a term has simply fallen out of favor recently. Latinx is the current politically correct term, but there’s also been some backlash against that internally. I know a lot of mexicanos who think it’s stupid and reject the label. I use latin@ myself, because I like the way it incorporates my…
And he follows it up with “I have to deal with it.” Like...what? Is he confessing to beating his Hispanic maids or something?
Never. Time no longer exists
I heard “beach”
pumpkin beer is gross