John Locke of streaming

They’re not disappointments. Theatrical money is just bonus money these days. Streaming services take in billions each month; Each. They just point out lower box office numbers so they can argue that they need to pay workers less.

Frankly, if gigantic budget movies didn’t make money, they’d stop making them. Studios aren’t a charity and they aren’t giving the public art for our sake at their own loss. 

The studios all make plenty of profit. They could release 10 250 million dollar movies *each* and still make billions of profits through their streaming services. Theatrical revenue is icing on the cake. The secret is that claiming no movie makes a profit is just another in a long line of “Hollywood accounting”

The idea that streamers don’t make money is a persistent lie. Streamers bring in far more revenue the broadcasting ever did, and they make it directly without having to deal with negotiating for advertising revenue. They make far more money now than they ever have.