
@Scott Hutcheson: Oh yes I expect it to be a quality of a $10,000 camera. Definitely.

Sorry but very unimpressed considering the hype from the keynote. They are better than the average phone but not really by much. Video while better than other phones isn't really that great.

@Kobun: And why wouldn't you think this would happen?

Does anyone else find that picture really freaky??

@Thut: :P But you usually do stand in line with a few friends. Or meet new people that atleast have one thing in common (crazy enough to stand in line for Hideo's sig) . I've never done this myself but I don't think it would be that much difference than the times i stood out for a ps3 or xbox 360 :).

@ModernBawhair: Thanks for the replies guys. Do you think this will be at all locations or just ATT?

Can you buy off contract ones at all these locations?

@Thut: I understand your comment to a point but really though. Is standing in line X hours to meet someone you admire really not better than what a lot of people usually do during a day?

@Thut: And your comment about the people waiting in line was just as special?

@Go Vols!: Agreed.. Why not even a normal point and shoot? There is no real advantage of him using an iphone.

@Strife Fox †: When people say bioware has emotionally engaging characters do they mean they can have sex? j/k.. but only a little ;)

And things like Jesusphone makes more sense?

What is the rodent picture from?

Definitely Windows Server 2008. Plays great with os's and lots of controls. Also Very fast over the network transfers

Last year should have been the last keynote. what a snoozefest

I was a tech for years and pretty much got good enough i could look in a system without an antivirus and tell you what type of virus you probably have and remove most of it without help.