
What are the best bang for the buck foods when trying to be healthy and on a diet?

"He said that Pixar had to triple its size, and today, the render farm features 12,500 cores on Dell render blades. As well, the file servers, network backbone, and every other piece of the computing puzzle was boosted in order to handle the making of "Cars 2."

While i think there should be this much scrutiny on Foxconn. Does no one care about all the crap Samsung does?

Except within a few hours the world knew their cause. Pretty amazingly effective way to get the word out I think.

Big victory is that you and 700k+ others viewed this post about what they did and their cause and you even commented on it.

So why do people ever protest at all?

How about bad press for the entities too? and press in general for their cause?

This article has been viewed 700k+ times in less than a day. I think Anonymous did a pretty good job.

For all the people who are saying what Anon doing isn't worth anything... You read and commented on this article didn't you? When is the last time you got a cause you believed in on the news and all around the web within hours?

And we technically are still in very early stages of streaming. That's why there are so many crap option. it's going to get better as it goes.

So we are saying competition is bad?

You kinda hurt the shooting from the hip concept (being as discreet as possible) when you are pointing and holding it this way.. plus on larger dslr's it'll be even more awkward

Why is this special? It's not really much different than a normal pic of her.

lol, and why would they do that?? In any kind of filming / photography you usually try to go for the BEST quality and then go down while you are working on it unless you have no budget or don't give a flip about quality

no, sorry it's not. People are soooo hoping their little phones are good enough. The fact is they aren't. There is a HUGE difference between the Iphone and 5dmk II video. It's amazing to me that people that read a technical blog wouldn't just google some information and find out why.

Kidding? This is super sensationalism written all over it. Not to mention the 2003 (8 years ago?) article talks about totally a different thing.

Hmm While these type of "demos" server a purpose how much money in hardware did they spend to support the actual filming? It's not like it's a guy standing there holding the phone up.

@ufonyx: Except i've never felt a nintendo product to be overpriced.