
You’re correct about one thing: the mere fact that I report the facts does not make them facts.

Good point. I once worked with a woman who never said ‘Please’ or ‘Thank You’. She wasn’t rude. I guess I would describe her as brusque. So I once pointed out to her that she never said these things and asked her how come. She said ‘Because it isn’t necessary’. And she’s right. It isn’t necessary to say ‘Please’ or

Listen, I was 9 when the Tim Burton Batman came out too, but I try not to let it back me into bonkers takes like “Jack Nicolson was a better Joker than Heath Ledger.

Unacceptable lack of Mark Hamill in there.

Bill Maher is not a liberal. He is a self serving, libertarian creep. Like all libertarians, he is deeply selfish and condescending to anyone or anything that gets in the way of his narrow desires.

When I was in college and still a practicing Muslim (not a great practitioner, more of a please-forgive-all-these-sins-I’m-definitely-committing type; your standard fare Easter-and-Xmas-Only Christian), I used to have a lot of people get uncomfortable when they had seen my Qur’an.

Beto... I know you think we all want another Obama, except white this time.

DJT has to push for the wall, or his supporters (who, while I’ve actually only met a couple of, seem to represent his larger base) will turn on him.

A lot of it also comes down to local communities and Local Game Stores. They need to start policing bad behavior, inappropiate comments and slang terms that make non-white, non-male individuals stay away more often than not.

I run events weekly and I have had to remove a number of players for using the term “F*ggot”

Cecilia, you are undoubtedly the best working games journalist out there.  

Paul, am I to assume that you don’t  eat salad with a comb? Ooh-la-la, your Majesty!

While our financial results for 2018 were the best in our history, we didn’t realize our full potential.

Oh look. A company has to cut fat, yet pay the top guy millions of dollars for this failure instead of sacking his ass.

Unitarian...many Episcopal churches (Protestant sects it depends on the individual church itself)...um, Reformed Judaism?...annnnnnd...Flying Spaghetti Monster?

By the time I was 16, I’d endured years of: misogynistic tirades from my father who called me a prostitute when I was in second grade (learned a new word that day!); ongoing paranoia from both my parents that I’d have sex despite not knowing what sex was at the time (lower elementary school); bullying at school from

How To Vote Your Interest:

I think I’ve figured it out! White people think that they all get to be individuals and the rest of us are members of groups that you can easily categorize, like lions and tigers and bears.

Man, I love Dan Radcliffe. He just seems like such a pleasant dude.