
The problem is that nations don't have a stable tax policy, so every time the governments fail in their numbers, we are supposed to cover the damage through "emergency taxes" that are part of every "austerity program". There should be a paragraph in the constitution mandating a stable tax policy that makes "emergency

I always wondered what kind of people have more than 3 kids. Aren't they aware that most of the cars worth driving have a maximum of 5 seats? (aka 2 for the parents and 3 for the kids)

I actually like Vevo, because it's sticking it to the Record Labels in a legal way. VEVO streams music clips through YouTube, and the law allows you to save a copy of the video to your harddrive (it's done using a tool like Video DownloadHelper for the 3 of you that still don't know it), much like the law allows you

They are profitable if you are smart enough to sell the printer at a loss and make big bucks from overpriced ink cartridges (HP, Canon). They are profitable if you are smart enough to sell the printer at normal price and let people know it has a cheap ink and cost per page (Lexmark). They are not profitable if you

*Sigh* I don't even want to think about it.. "This smartphone game requires an 1.5Ghz dualcore processor, 2GB ram to run, your 1Ghz dual core won't do". Someone should force app makers to make sure their apps with 800Mhz CPU, just to avoid the system requirement mess that ruined PC gaming and made laptop gaming

Big Content fatcat: "Now that we 've got that ACTA thing passed in Europe and Japan, maybe we should consider eliminating the pro-customer options we created as a response to the piratebay. If the Europeans and the Japanese accept ACTA, it will be a piece of cake to pass similar legislation here in the good ol' US".

If she was making her own money, then why you couldn't afford to run her? ("making her own money" doesn't mean making 700 bucks and spending 7000, lol).

"With NHTSA's closure of the investiga into the Chevy Volt"

And this is why you should always make it clear from the start that she has to make her own money. Better not start a relationship at all than start one that's doomed from the get-go, IMO.

Yes, it's the car from Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events (the movie). You know a car is charmingly weird if it made it into that movie. Sometimes i wish i was well off just so i could buy things like this car.

The right to make personal copies (including backups), among other fair use provisions like the right to use small portions of copyrighted works to make parodies, were written before the government became a Hollywood puppet.

(accidental double post)

Of course it is. Early versios of Windows would throw a blue screen that had no usefull information ar all (just some memory adresses). On modern versions of Windows, just type the words in caps on google, and you will get a description of what the problem is. Errors are always bad, but errors that give no information

"The kicker to all of this is that the content industry has NEVER stopped someone from "pirating" content. They are not able to do so. All they do is make using their products more difficult."

This guy works for the content industry, an industry with such huge lobbying power that managed to pass SCMS and DMCA, which lead to the creation of the macrovision flag (that thing that prevents you from recording from subscription channels), regional lockout and unskippable warmings on DVDs, and anti format

If it doesn't come with the crapware, the slow boot times and the fragmented-on-arrival harddisks big name laptops do, i am buying.

Is this the only "laptop" that can play games? (gaming on proper PC laptops is an exercise in frustration, thanks mainly to the cult of the PC gamer that plagues PCs, which says that catering for the 1% of users that own GTX590s is more important than catering to the 99%)

Fujitsu had a Macbook-air like laptop before the Macbook air came. But it had the usual crazy name (random string of numbers and letters) most PCs have, so noone noticed.

"MacBook Air Clone"

In North America (USA, Canada) Symbian is paying the price of not being the carriers' lapdog. Nokia has repeteadly denied to lock their bluetooth OBEX, the ability to install apps from SD card and other things like that the carrier usually ask. Google on the other hand is doing the smartest thing with Android, as they