
I think Chernobyl's nuclear factory resides in the border between Ukraine and Russia.

This is why cops should be allowed to shoot at drivers who pose an immediate fatal-accident risk to other drivers and refuse to stop when the cop says them to stop. The last thing I want when crusing down the highway is one of these 1000+HP beasts to crash into my car while doing 300+KM/h in the opposite direction.

And this is why I quit antiviruses 2 years ago. With UAC enabled, and everything updated, antivirus are the biggest parasites on a system.

But "texts" you mean SMSes? As for example in my uncle's Nokia 3310? (which has no email or browser, just SMS)

You guys are aware that iOS is currently sinking like a stone, and the only reason it got any marketshare at all was because it basically came first? But now that multi vendor solutions like Android are available, don't expect it to last long. Apple will squeeze some insane profits out of it for the next couple of

If you belong in the 2% of the buying population that bought a single-vendor OS like Bada or WebOS, don't act surprized when being laughed at by the rest 98%.

If you belong in the 2% of the buying population that bought a single-vendor OS like Bada or WebOS, don't act surprized when being laughed at by the rest 98%.

Where did all those sites that used to offer free SMS go? Sure, Vodafone moaned and bitched about how those services were "hoarding" their SMS center, but since there was nothing illegal, they couldn't do anything to stop them.

Anyone got any idea how this guy did he get his hand on a Nazca? Wasn't the Nazca supposed to be prototype, which means you can't buy it even if you 've got tons of money?

RIM should quit the consumer market and focus on being a government or business supplier. The phone market is being commoditized, like the home computer industry became commoditized when Microsoft came. And yes, margins for manufacturers are going to be squeezed and differentation will be reduced to just some UI

For countries that aren't encumbered by the DMCA (aka, everyone except US and UK), copying DRM'ed CDs and DVDs was always perfectly legal.

"A full tax hike's what he's thinking of"

Were these stores selling real Apple products or knock-offs?

"You do realize that they are releasing in Mango in like a month or two right? "

"They will release the stop-gap N9 with Meego, but they said it themselves they won't support it, so what they're implying is that only suckers will buy it."

Download aBTC app (torrent client for Android) and get all your shows for free.

BTW if you want to download this video, there is a nifty extension called Video Download Helper for Firefox (if you don't know it already).

Dolby 3D rocks though. Most people hate 3D cinema because movie directors went mad over the new technology, and added scenes whose only purpose was to show off the 3D effect. You know, needlessly throwing things at the screen so that everyone can see the movie is in 3D. It's much like surroung sound in it early years,

Yes, but you can type any address you want in your browser (ex english.aljazeera.net ) and get as much counter-propaganda you want. North Koreans don't have that luxury.

"No word on how much of the car company's trademark boxy styling will make it through the modernization"