
"A full tax hike's what he's thinking of"

Were these stores selling real Apple products or knock-offs?

"You do realize that they are releasing in Mango in like a month or two right? "

"They will release the stop-gap N9 with Meego, but they said it themselves they won't support it, so what they're implying is that only suckers will buy it."

Download aBTC app (torrent client for Android) and get all your shows for free.

BTW if you want to download this video, there is a nifty extension called Video Download Helper for Firefox (if you don't know it already).

Dolby 3D rocks though. Most people hate 3D cinema because movie directors went mad over the new technology, and added scenes whose only purpose was to show off the 3D effect. You know, needlessly throwing things at the screen so that everyone can see the movie is in 3D. It's much like surroung sound in it early years,

Yes, but you can type any address you want in your browser (ex english.aljazeera.net ) and get as much counter-propaganda you want. North Koreans don't have that luxury.

"No word on how much of the car company's trademark boxy styling will make it through the modernization"

Go to isohunt, and you can find everything for free. Netflix is useful only for Americans who get monitored by the MPAA (the DMCA allows the MPAA to track IPs and then ask for settlements). The free, non-DMCA encumbered part of the world can just download everything his heart desires from isohunt.

"You're not going to stop someone from pirating apps if they want to, but I'd always like to avoid making it easier for folks."

Wow, you actually did all this for your bullies? I don't know, I would prefer to be beaten than provide any kind of service to a bully. Better be beaten down that be a slave (curiously though i never got actually beaten). And of course, never get beaten without first doing a "to the end" fight...

Yeah right. If it was so easy to hack into banks, everyone would have done it. Ok, so LulzSec managed to hack corps like Sony and Nintendo who don't give a shit about security and have underpaid temps to maintain their servers, and they managed to find an unsecured CIA website, but hacking into banks who have their

And the batmobile now has a 4 speed automatic transmission from a Sebring, and all the baddies get away.

You are aware that this is already happening in some parts of the world? Not only China, but other, including the oh-so-civilized of the E.U., like Denmark and italy.

"Nissan did not build an heating system around the Leaf's battery pack."

I agree. Give electric cars to people like me who just want something to take them from A-B as cheaply as possible, and let the gearheads have gazoline powered cars.

No one can use a Playbook to check their (real) email. The US carriers won't yet allow the Blackberry Bridge to be connected to their phones, so you can't use it even if you have a Blackberry. Unless you have bought an unlocked, unsubsidized phone from Blackberry. Now that's some huge userbase (sarcasm)


Doesn't matter. When Android 2.4 rolls out, it will be waiting game all over again. Sorry buddy, but the hatred for the HTC update waiting game is absolutely justified and natural. You don't have to be a hater or a troll to have it.