
Definite proof that Marchionne can make a decent looking thing out of everything. Even if that "everything" is the Sebring platform, which practically mandates weird proportions on the vehicles it underpins.

"No Mr Bond, I expect you to die from embarrassment"

I tried to watch Fifth Gear once, but I quit when they spent the entire show reviewing a bunch of car stereos. Something Top Gear would have done in say... 3 minutes. In others words, this show has the "just fill the show with something and push it out the door" mentallity written all over it. Which validates the rule

@Scooby-Waggin: They got ripped on the one from the church of Scientology. They should 've bought both from China

Opel Omega: The kind of vehicle taxi drivers here in Europe drive 'till they can afford a real Mercedes or Avensis taxi. All Opel Omega taxi's here are dirty (in and out), worn out, and you can almost hear the driver muttering "can't wait to get myself a real cab and get rid of this P.O.S."

Why all this hating on automatics?


Serves you right, for turning a perfectly good Mustang into a smog-belching abomination.

Video! We want the video!

— For the 10th time: