
This is an accurate list

... Grocery Game has a soft spot in my heart though.

Price is Right Games Ranked?

People who voted for Trump should be fucked with spurs.

You should be offended. You voted for a stupid asshole. That’s dumb.

Aw, does valid criticism of your racist moron offend you, snowflake? There, there. We know there’s nothing more delicate than the fee-fees of conservatives.

I know you Trumpettes love fake facts, but Trump lose the popular vote, so...less than half.

I’m sure at that point she thought Logano turned into her, not that he had a mechanical failure. And add on top of that how many times she’s been wrecked this year she was probably even more pissed with that.

I know there are people who would never want to live in a place surrounded by cornfields, but my god, ocean animals are fucking WEIRD. I’ll keep my deer and occasional wild turkeys, thanks.

Women teams are notorious for breaking up after roughly 3 losses in major tournaments. Will they break the curse that’s been plaguing the CS scene since 1.5? STAY TUNED!

You don’t seem to be interested in this “conversation” you mentioned in your opening comment. Seems more like you did want to just make it all about you.

Not trying to make it about me

Cool, so you’re admitting you’re a fucking idiot. Good to know.

I’m 100% in on pieces detailing the subtleties of things that look easy but are actually really, really hard.

I didn’t understand a word of this article and then I watched the video and my god, that was insane.

What if the animal can die from a heart attack from just plain being fuckin’ scared?

And sorry for yours. And I thought last year was bad for us...

I really don’t understand the lack of empathy in people. See it every day at work too. Ugh.

You have absolutely no idea that person’s circumstances. You don’t have the right to make that call.

What if both their parents are dead, and that’s his only family left? And he had to do all the arrangements?

I lost my 12 year old nephew 11 months ago, and I’m still completely wrecked by it, because my sister is

Oh man if I’d been a fly on the wall of that one...

Lost my 12 yo nephew last year in a car accident and took a week off. Grandmother died at 90 later in the year and took a day. Not even close to the same thing impact wise.

Guy is a grade A sociopath.