
I thought somebody should point out that Sylvando was named Sylvia in the original. Didn’t lke that localization, reminds you of the 90s.

0.5x A presses

Animal crossing itself is pretty strange, too. I always notice when trying to explain what you actually do in that game to people not into games :D

I think this is the same problem that Super Mario 3D World had. The games before that were hard to follow up on, so everybody was underwhelmed. On top of that, 3D World marked the first time they did HD graphics, and this is also the first Kirby platformer in HD. Maybe the developers lacked experience and focused more

F-Zero SX, the follow-up to F-Zero GX will be released. Retro studios have been developing it.

Exactly, this is not the Magikarp game or something. It was never about competition and comparing each other, more about individuality and your own pace.

Why are buns cute?

Just got the live concert on Blu-ray, have been following her and the composer Kenmochi Hidefuni for some time now. Glad she’s becoming more popular.

The japanese site says that all the tracks have been arranged and you can also choose the remastered original sound version.

Ash looks like a 30-year old otaku.

“emotional late-night intercourse between Noctis and Prompto?” :D