
Daaamn. If they're already talking potential price-cuts...

There was a time where games were about gameplay, crazy right? It's a shame that people measure a game's worth by how "pretty" it is. Damn shame.

For most people it's nostalgia.

But for others, they can look past the dated graphics and appreciate the gameplay and story lines of a time-long-gone.

Also, some of the sprite based RPG's from the PS1 aged beautifully, Breath of Fire 3 anyone?

I'd rather a free service that gives you two options (pay monthly to stream so many) or pay a small fee to 'unlock' and purchase said games. Keep the following PS5/6/7 with similar architecture and promise these unlocks are universal so I can now own (digitally) these games for as long as there are Sony systems

I want to say congrats on this article.

Hey everyone, don't bother checking that F2P Tekken game, game is hard in a way that you have to invest money to get more powerful, also, correct me if i'm wrong but where is the Block button? Oh, and let's not forget, you have some kind of energy like in Zynga games so the amount of times you can play is limited.

I agree! I thought Demon's Souls and Dark Souls got it right with the whole invading quest. I don't play a lot of multi-player, but I did with DS and DkS!

$10 is a steal for the Jak and Daxter Collection if you haven't played the series. Too bad I can't play it right now, or any disc (game, Blu-ray, DVD). It will accept a disc, and the blue light comes on, but it doesn't show up on the XMB. I tried vacuuming around my PS3, and running safe mode to delete any corrupted