
I’m coming!!!


It had that hilarious attempt at seduction in episode 2 though

Hold your D-Horses

Username checks out.

I figured this thread would be full of people making bullshit excuses for these people and look at this. I was right! White people absolutely love the idea of being able to say this word and really don’t give a shit anymore.

Is there a spider on it?

Also he fucks horses.

This is a bad comment.

I’m going hiking tomorrow morning, but I also still plan to go for a run on Sunday morning. Thanks for inquiring after my exercise routine. It’s nice to know you care.

Trump is a dipshit.

If only there were statues of Mohammed Atta and the other hijackers in our public squares so people could remember!!

Already posted this, but here’s a side by side of the same spot:

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.