
Correct, I messed with it for quite a while last night thinking I must be doing something wrong. So i emailed F1TV:

English commentary is Sky Sports

Well don’t fuckin narc!

I was referring to the 1:35 mark, where its “Death From Above 1979"- Cold War.

Thanks for the clarification as to why it was used. We see photos and headlines so often of, “so and so’s wife did a thing” that dismisses the women’s actual work. She was a great writer and, while his help held her up, she deserves the credit due for an amazing book.

The only photos of Michelle we have rights to are of her alongside Patton. So it was either a close, awkward crop, or something resembling the one I used, which I think is actually sort of sweet—especially because he has continued her work.

But Port of Call is closer and better.

I’d rather go to Port of Call.

My ears are burning.

Cronenberg remaking Turbo Teen would look like TETSUO: The Iron Man meets ExistenZ

Wouldn’t it just be just some kind of rehash of Lost Highway?

Lexus knows you like buttons so they made a little secret stash of buttons just for you

Because LS swaps exist.

Hey, I’d live with a 9 second 0-60 if it meant fewer batteries and a lower cost of entry to get that kind of range.

Brave lad who I know has a lot of supporters over here.

So last 4th of July, I made a drunken claim that I could run a 5 minute mile. I ran one in 5:39 in college, so I figured it wouldn’t be too bad. Oh how wrong I was. You can list the times these guys run these incredible distances in, and it doesn’t really hit you fully. Go and try to run a five minute mile pace.

I like comparing my running times to these elite athletes for giggles and shits so I picked my last run where I did 7 miles in 66:43 which was an average pace of 9:31. He did 6.1 more miles than me almost 7 minutes quicker. At his average pace of 4:35 he was doing 2.25 miles (or close to this number if my math is

Chatman’s fighting style is best described as wrestler-boxer-chiropractor-gymnast.

Would love to, but first I have to read Snooki's memoir and then listen to the complete works of Limp Bizkit.