
Ugh... Kanye. You make it so hard for me to like you. Whatever happened to our carefree days when your mouth was wired shut?


I can see them married and Harry going to all the NOW and UN dinners with her while she goes and saves penguins with him.

By the way, it's very hard for a woman to want to be [with a man] who's been with Amber Rose. You know what I'm saying? I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim.

kinda disappointed half of the comments are either slut shaming one side or defending the slut shaming..

You know what? I have always been a bit of a Kanye apologist (just because I've never understood what gets people quite so riled up about him and I'm beyond tired of hearing everyone talk about him like he's the worst person to ever exist) but slut shaming a woman that you yourself used to sleep with is simply a

Amber, Kanye, I like you both a lot, but this is all tacky as hell. Do work. Talk less.

By his logic, I wonder how many showers he made Kim take.

"I'm so much smarter than that show was," says Chelsea Handler, regarding Chelsea Lately.

Yay! I'm on a team!

Welcome to #teamnobody!!

lol kanye

Oh, Kanye.

Who's the biggest whore is kind of a 6 of one , a half-dozen of another.

I just don't get how anyone could look at Kanye's history of comments and not see him for the disrespectful asshole he clearly is.

Wait a minute...There were a few years between Kanye and Amber rose before he got together with Kim, correct? Only 30 showers? Is this part of his "genius" everyone keeps telling me about?

"I think he got in early. I think he was smart."

I am allowed to think they're all trash and not take a side?

Oh Kanye, way to squander any goodwill from your SNL performance.

like I know we're sex positive here and that's it's just genitals slapping together, but there's somethjng. So gross about Kanye's "my 17 year old sister inlaw is ready to fuuuck" attitude

sorry I used to defend him but dating a woman and then calling her a "dirty whore" post-mortem? of course he rapping about sleeping around is so cool yo. f.u. kanye.