
Giuliani also can't be racist because some of the people who died on 9/11 were black. What don't you people get?

Oh Giuliani. Keep goin. Let's see if you can fit both feet in your mouth and then stick your head up your ass at the same time.

"I am not racist but everything i think and believe is deeply entrenched in racist ideology cloaked in layers of White Old Dude (also racist) rhetoric that prevents me from being held accountable for the shitty things I do and say about historically minoritized communities. Also America!"

There's a nice tie-in between this story, about how Obama doesn't GET America, man, and that thing Madeleine posted yesterday about how that one Fox News lady wants to change the way America learns about history http://jezebel.com/jezebel-bestie…

I want Rudy Giuliani to go away already, or just limit himself to those infomercials for selling that service to protect yourself from identity theft. Everything he said about Obama is just...ugh. And considering that Ronald Reagan was suffering from the beginnings of dementia in his second term, I'm cool with Obama

Obama probably even took AP US History, no wonder he hates America so much!

Wow, he really IS America's mayor.

He added: "What I don't find with Obama — this will get me in more trouble again — is a really deep knowledge of history."

Danny Castellano will be so disappointed.

I'm just going to leave all my side eye here.

So yeah, this guy is free to die at any time...

Fellow history teacher here. Learning and understanding history encourages one to be reflective and empathetic. Those two qualities are anathema to Fox News.

Yes. I think the only historical trope that I hate more than that is the whole "myth of the self-made man" boot straps bullshit.

I know the feeling. It pisses me off even more because its modern usage is a corruption of the old meaning, which was closer to "America is unlike anyplace else on earth." Which is true, for better or for worse. But now the phrase basically means that America is the greatest nation ever to exist in history. Which is

The phrase "American exceptionalism" makes me want to exceptionally shoot my American self

As a history teacher this makes me shake with rage. Fox commentators thinking history doesn't matter because they get bummed out having to think about slavery and the extermination of Native Americans is textbook white privilege.

"that kind of love that we're used to from a president"

Remember the time that he decided to put the Office of Emergency Management in the World Trade Center?

Only if your two trips to the beach are the result of you getting evicted from your place.

Remember when he was even a little likable right after 9/11? Like when he was in Anger Management with Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson?