
Canada of course. Montreal. The wind chill has killed it this winter, t's been awful.

It's -4F right now and that's the warmest weather we've had in over two months so far. When it gets to that after weeks of feeling like -30F you rejoice, I was walking around without a hat today!

But that will taaaaaake toooo looooonghg!!!!

Is that real? We don't have any delivery here except like one pizza place. It's like we're not even in this century.

say what you want, i have car sit warmers, best invention since sliced bread and penicillin.

call for chocolate delivery...... its bad, bad :(( i am sorry

I think I will need a winter burka.

I'm here under a blankie with sparkling water. I just wish I had some CHOCOLATE. I ran out yesterday.

please don't, just don't........... ski pants situation

I hear you! -6ยบ tomorrow morning for us. OH LAWD!

I figured she was taking a picture of someone else.

Well...judging by my last few instagram posts, I'm afraid of losing

No, Kumail no! Don't look at them, don't look. DON'T... OH THE SHAME. IT BURNS.

Actually I have 5 but the brown and black tabby declined to be photographed. :)

I love when they do that. 0-NO in .00005 seconds.

I saw her in concert and she really was amazing. I'm not super into her shtick, but the girl can sing and play piano and is overall very talented. Just give in to the dark side...

Buffalo, NY here. My cats are just piling together in a cat heap for warmth. (Kidding. My apartment's actually pretty comfortable.)

Money can buy you a Porsche, but it can't teach you how to spell Porsche.

I'm not a fan, but Lady Gaga sort of has her shit together. I thought she'd end up broke with all those outfits. And she has a great voice, which is rare for a successful pop singer. So yeah, I guess I finally relent & like her?

It's spelled Porsche douchebag.