
Oh I agree that it was very, very low of Khloe to reference the fact that she was an underage sex worker in a snide way, but I still don't think it was ok to straight up call Kim a whore. Especially since Kim wasn't even in the convo. But you are spot on about glass houses.

Just because she's ok with it doesn't make it ok.

I assure you, there's no science to be had with the Mars One program. It's an elaborate set up for a reality show.

Ehhh..But Khloe was kinda calling Amber a whore without calling her one. She didn't put that comment out about Amber being a stripper as a compliment or something she should be proud of. Khloe very cutely implied that Amber was a whore (instead of, you know and underage sex worker which is kinda low of Khloe) and

But she called herself a whore too which means she probably has less of a problem with the label than you do.

I personally don't see the resemblance between Khloe and OJ, other than some forehead game. I know others who really think they look alike. I feel bad for Khloe, though. The man that loved and raised her is her father. People should just let her legitimacy (or lack of) go.

Let me rephrase: I don't want any of these people anywhere near science

I believe this is a private company in Holland not affiliated with NASA in any way, so we should be good. Let's toss in Beiber and Lohan while we're at it.

They're very strict with their applicants and wanting to know their motives. Plus there's a history test that includes specific dates - I doubt either would get very far. I have a long list of people I would nominate for a one way ticket to Mars, but then again no one should give me that much power.

I don't want any of these people anywhere near NASA

if sports actually played out like this I would understand them

Right, but given that she is super pale, paler than her sisters, it seems like an odd choice. I get that part of the reason for the rumor is that she has a good six inches on Kim, but of all the people Kris Jenner was rolling with, there isn't any real resemblance there.

I like when the team went and did that thing and there was a ball and maybe I dropped my fizzy drink and then dad got angry at me and I had to have a time out but it's okay because I think we won?

But I will see your spider lashes and raise you one butthole lips.

Bi-racial (is that the correct term these days?) people come in all shades and hair colors. There are many blonde, fair skinned people with one black parent.

Calling Kim a whore wasn't necessary. Amber should have stuck with the #DontPanic tweet and quit while she was ahead. And for the record a 25 year old dating a 17 year old is gross, full stop.

I do want everyone to remember the real and biggest loser in all of this is Tyga, who spent his morning trying to convince people that he didn't leave his wife and son for a teen girl.

you, like me, have a firm grasp on sports and also metaphors.

With these eyelashes there are no winners

I don't know. Brian Williams recently gave a very detailed recounting of his time with the Russian military. His account of Sasha's capture was particularly moving.