
He could be talking about them too. (especially the eyeball people /shudder)

At some point, those guys have to cop to the fact that by encouraging this distinctive culture that is removed from the mainstream, they have encouraged people to be so different from the mainstream that they can't participate other than, you know, the racks in the garment center and those entry-level jobs

Now I do remember that. I totally forgot. Our military should of kicked him the fuck out and told him never to come back again. What a sensationalistic whore of a man.

I find it cute, in that "ignorant dumbass" way that he doesn't recognize that at 30 plus years of hip hop, he doesn't get that yes, it is part of mainstream society.

I'd blocked what a dick he is until I watched the last three episodes of celebrity apprentice. He is a caricature of the "manly man" mustached, blustery, bullying. Also a narcissist. He must have a shit ton of in person charisma for anyone to be able to stand him. Yeah, he showed off his racist, sexist ways in each

I liked him better when he was hyping empty vaults.

So let me get this straight:

As a black woman who is also half Puerto Rican, I'm just so confused as to wear I should be living right now.

Let's not forget his performance during the Iraq invasion. As an embed with the 101st Airborne, he drew a map in the sand pinpointing his exact location and gave the details of an upcoming operation.

Good thing no one in the hip hop community gives a fucking shit about Geraldo's quest to become relevant again.

True story- the first time I saw Geraldo on TV, I honest-to-god believed I was watching a Saturday Night Live parody of a newscaster. He looks so much like a goofy stereotype of an 80s reporter that it couldn't have possibly been a real reporter on a real news station.

Aha, with this and the previous story, I realized it's National Blame the Victims Week again... or is it still? Anyway it's only Wednesday, I still have 2 more days of feelin' extra stabby!

My sister lives in Harlem AND she has visible tattoos! Hip hop owes me an apology for ruining my white sister!

I watched the Al Capone vault. I was a kid at the time, and really thought I was going to see something historic lol!

"...involves unfettered racism."

He lost all credibility in the 80's. Remember him running around NY during the crack highlights only to accuse someone of having some weed as being a crack dealer. Oh, and remember Al Capones vault. That was a doosey!

Geraldo Rivera is a disturbing individual on many levels.

He was so awful on Celebrity Apprentice. His team lost five times in a row, and the boardroom was still just ten minutes of the Donald and Geraldo talking about how great Geraldo is.

At some point, those guys have to cop to the fact that by encouraging this distinctive culture that is removed from the mainstream,

At some point, those guys have to cop to the fact that by encouraging this distinctive culture that is removed from the mainstream