
I am incredibly pleased to report that the video is not available for my iPad, therefore I just saved myself five minutes of watching this douchecanoe and the subsequent rage stroke it would have induced. This day is getting better!

I'm almost more concerned that he thinks women and men are different species.

Huh, I may need to re-read my bible. Had no idea God used the term "swamp donkeys". This guy is a biblical scholar!

Female is the default sex. It's what we all started out as. At least that's true of mammals.

I don't even understand how the original comment got out of the greys......WTF?!

I mean duh, it's in the Bible. So it's just science, bruh.

There's a lot going on here, but I think the most interesting part is that these guys seem to think that a person's value is solely determined be how physically strong you are. Very convenient belief for a big strong guy, but they'll probably find that it's a less appealing philosophy when they get older and are just f

Ladies I'll go on record when I say:

Season 2 of Real World.

Money from my shirt actually went to their legal defense fund. No need to be an asshole.

Hey men were made from dirt in the bible so we don't have room to brag.

Omg I saw that last night and threw up in my mouth a little. It wasn't only that one of them is moronic enough to think this way, but that two others agreed.

When did MTV turn into the 700 Club?

Holy shit. So intense. Richard Hell did a great job too (as always). Definite tears.

Condolences. My dad passed away last month and my youngest sister took to facebook like it was her therapist. She absolutely had to prove she was the only child affected by his death. And even if her four siblings WERE affected, she was affected more.

To be fair, aggressive eye-rolling and focused rage can be hugely cathartic.

Block those bitches.

OMFG I feel so sorry for you. We know a few folks who do this crap, too—it's ridiculous and self-centered and they obviously don't care about your feelings—you-her husband!
Someone posted some dedication to my dad—an atheist his entire life—about him swimming with the angels and Jesus and whatever and I wanted to