
I don't have puppy stories, but does this koala help?

I so wish I could go kayaking with my cat like that. Unfortunately, I know my cat and my paddling clothes are just too pricey to let my cat rip up while he goes ballastic over me forcing him in a kayak with me.

Mark's not using "child" like "is legally a" but more "is the child of" - I am my parents' child whether I'm an adult or not and will be when I'm 95, if that makes sense. Typically writers would use "son" or "daughter" but in this case since Brian didn't like gender labels it's appropriate to use the gender-neutral

Possibly. We don't know. Those of us who are non-binary are really only finding one another and understanding different ways to talking about who we are outside of the rigid male/female structures in the last few years. She may have considered herself non-binary. It's really hard to know when we don't have her own

Yeah... I got nothing. I'm just gonna go wander around campus for a while to try and walk this off.

sorry if it's a bit much but I need the cute as well, so....

Or not. It's a process, maybe Bri at one point thought he was a woman and then settled on the "pansexual androgynous man" which is what his friend said he would have referred to himself if he had to choose a label. "Pansexual androgynous man" hardly sounds like a compromise to appease his asshole of a father so it

Well, if we yell at people for misgendering others on the internet, the only responsible choice is to figure the hell out what gender the person identified as. And since the victim is not able to answer questions, checking with his close friends seems logical, yeah? I mean, we're not "debating" in "graphic detail,"

No, I'm sorry 2. I was really overly snarky & my outrage kinda got away from me. This is the 2nd time this has happened in as many months & it's just so fucked up. I'm not a parent. I don't know if I ever will be but I just don't get how or why a parent would/could do this. Anyway, again I'm sorry I was so testy. That

That's fair. I was snarky because I read your comment as a criticism of Mark's terminology, which I thought was unfounded. Your outrage is (obviously) justified, and I probably should have resisted the temptation to take a shot over something petty.

I'll try. Something about cruel & totally unnecessary murders of innocent people brings out the worst in me. Idk what it is...

until my wife and I have kids, these are our test cases.

First the story about a father sleeping with his daughter and now this. I think I need a break. See you next week.

Please be more polite and restrained when reacting to horrific stories of murder.

I approve of this kitty cuddle puddle.

That last paragraph was added later btw.

Seriously, what other explanation is there? WAS there a cult? Suicide? Fell on a knife?! Go fuck yourself with your "allegedly". Sounds pretty open & shut.

Sorry if my outrage got the best of me. I'll try keep it in check next unnecessary murder.

I'm leaving explicit instructions for how to gender me if something happens to me. I would hate to have someone else control what my obituary said. Not that I'll actually have any say once I'm gone or even care but....