
That's fair. My first one was a slightly big deal in my family too. Wore 'em down after the next six though. GOTTA JUST KEEP ON.

The family dog eats its own feces and then licks Sebastian's face

Yeah, I wasn't implying she would be offended just the message itself is weird and, you know, she is of a certain generation.

The prohibition against tattoos is much more generational than anything, and RBG isn't observant, I don't think. This is more about an 81-year-old woman's total bafflement with the weird stuff we emblazon on ourselves.

Anything that comes from TMZ is suspect as hell lately and it's precisely because they have openly gone on the take from that family (I refuse to type their names, ever). As Harvey is an attorney, they used to be credible but lately it's kinda went to hell.

This has to be the most succinct comment of the day on this. Just...yes. In every way. Yes!

I hate the whole Super Sweet Sixteen garbage but that pic of Lil Wayne and his daughter is ADORABLE. He looks so proud!

I am strictly Team #LikesAmbersPics. The fact that she married Wiz Khalifa (LOL) makes it really easy for me to ignore anything that she says, even (especially) about the Kardashians.

Good catch, I'll be wearing my tinfoil hat in honour of Amber Rose today. #solidarity

Why did anyone care that they used the phrase "conscious uncoupling" instead of "amicable divorce?" Just because GOOP?

It looks like a case of chronic resting bitch face.

And look at her facial expression! did she just suck a lemon???

Oh fuck that guy. Amber is a grown ass woman who said something everyone is thinking and now people are attacking her for shit that hurts nobody. Meanwhile, didn't he cheat on her with twins? Fuck him and everyone else.

Palin is just eating up all of poor Swift's elbow room. Not cool.

Nope Jez, that stupid Wiz/Amber article comes straight from the Kardashian daily propaganda outlet KMZ aka TMZ. That article is really not that different from ones they posted in September and Wiz still hasn't filed for anything. Why are they recycling it now....hmmmm...I wonder!?!?

Aww, c'mon... Let's just all believe she was rolling her eyes and it's teaser sequence to her new Reality TV show "That's so Taylor"!

I think I need another shower after reading about this Kardashian/Khalifa/Rose mess.

At this point it might just be simpler to list the people Azealia Banks isn't feuding with.

It should be against the law for custody battles to become public record. They are always depressing, and at some point the kid will grow up and read about them.