
I refuse to actually check her feed; does Tyra ever tweet anything besides humble brags about how she's a Business Person?

Oh, bullshit, Tyra. I used to defend you... I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU. Then you say shit like this which is clearly just designed to try to remind people you exist and then I roll my eyes so hard I give myself a headache.

His wife is wonderful, though. Don't break them up!

Well, yay!

Ok, that legit made me laugh out loud.

Technically, but given the way twitter works I can see doing it. When I tag my mom on FB (which is rare, but like family pictures and stuff) I sometimes write Mom and put the tag in parenthesis. Partly because inevitably some idiot friend will not realize she's my mother and say something stupid like "you should

It makes his tweets 200x more adorable.

I can't help but read all of Kumail's tweets in that thick Pakistani accent of his.

His twitter is consistently funny and he is my pretend boyfriend.

Harvard Business Degree, never forget. What's all this business crao she keeps talking about. I don't know what she has been doing besides America's next top model.

Eh, to young people maybe not. I mean, he was president like almost 4 terms ago, a literal lifetime for some people.

I'm surprised she didn't mention her "Harvard degree"

Totally genuinely thought that was a picture of Natalie Portman, Britney Spears, and Goldie Hawn.

Jackée Harry is MY American Idol.

I feel la jackee with all this Amber rose/khloe Twitter feud. I'm totally team Amber!

jackeé I am with you girl. You bring the sandwich, I'll bring the rosé.

re Chelsea's tweet: "my father" is redundant, no?

OK Tyra. We get it. You're super biz now.

Tyra reminds me of Romy and Michele.

OMG, Tyra, you're the most business's businesswoman ever. WE GET IT!!