
I did school reports about SNL and many of the cast members when I was in middle and high school, actually I have a hard time remembering a cast member I didn't work into a school assignment somehow. But I remember tearing up when I gave a speech about Gilda Radner's life in speech class junior year in 2002, and

She was a pioneer.

I d0n't know how it's possible to have strong feelings about someone who died when you were three years old, but every mention of Gilda Radner in the show tonight really hit me in the feels.

This is some deep bridal football shit, you bribe half of the bridesmaids to get them to play defense for you, leaving you free to go deep and make the interception.

I suppose after a certain point it becomes a matter of pride, and by God, you will catch that bouquet!


he is the most glorious moose.

What a lovely cat! I also have a house panther, and she's very in tune with my illness and injury. (Hope your son's feeling better!)

he is a big fan of snugs. Haaa the beast is 22 pounds of love.

He might have taken it bending over, though!

When my son was sick our cat would not leave his side.

Hugo Boss wouldn't have taken that lying down.

Fuck that shit.

It has no closet space. That's the most amazing part!

It boggles my mind that there exist a $60 million APARTMENT. As in, you have neighbors right below you and/ or share a wall with someone. For $60million, I want at least a .25 mile cushion from the closest house.

According to Rihanna it had a fabulous view but zero closet space. She was not a fan.

Wait, what? A 60,000,000 dollar apartment? Are the walls made of cocaine? Does it have the capability of turning into a rocket ship during the inevitable end of days? I bet the refrigerator makes four kinds of ice.

The only thing I like about Lagerfeld is his cat and his apparent love for it. But he stole the cat. Well, shoot.

Why does this make me think that Lagerfeld is fashion's Doctor Evil?

Would the Nazis have killed Lagerfeld, or made him Minister of Culture? Sometimes I really don't know.