
Totally. I would absolutely NOT be comfortable with this guy knowing where my dad lives. Why can't it be mailed from a lawyer's office or something? Hopefully dad moves after he's released. I sure as hell would. Not that it's fair. But I would.

He probably will get some type of visitation rights. One of the major reasons I didn't get an order of protection during my divorce is that my ex still gets a right to be a dad. All I could see happen from OFP would be pissing him off to the point of no return and because of our kiddo - he would still have a right to

This is so fucked up on so many levels, not the least of reasons being that there is no regard for the CHILDRENS' safety in all of this.

It is egregious enough that they aren't considering her, but even if we set that aside for a second, how could it possibly be emotionally healthy for those children to be contacted

This dude only got 9 years as punishment for trying to kill someone and he gets pics of her children? Oh hell no. Hell. No. This is terrifying. Is he going to get visitation after his release too? I think your parental rights kind of end at throat slitting.

I started mine at ten and had two seven day periods a month. I was anemic and had horrible PMDD on top of it. No birth control pill could regulate it, and I got on Depo Provera when I was sixteen, which has wiped out my periods completely. I'm getting a hysterectomy very soon to get rid of the problem all together.

I use it for the more traditional reason now too, but I also used birth control to regulate periods and relieve symptoms right after I started my period at 14. Thank goodness my mom and doctor were progressive for the time, otherwise I would have spent my cycle in the fetal position due to the pain! Despite what one

Haven't we been over this?

Calling another woman "old" is just the worst. 1) Everybody ages. It's not actually a totally lame thing to do, given it's INEVITABLE and it happens, holy shit, EVERY YEAR no matter what we do, 2) Erkyka Badhu is what, in her early forties? Sooooo old. Basically a freaking mummy. There's NOTHING about being 40

Azalea Banks: if you're lucky enough to live to be as 'old' as Erykah Badu, your texts will make you weep with shame.

so they don't get pregnant if a guard rapes them, to control PCOS symptoms, regulate periods, etc.

Well it depends on the type of contraception you're referring to. If you mean condoms, then sure, it doesn't make a lot of sense to think about providing them to inmates at a women's prison. (If we're ignoring cases of abuse by prison employees) But if you're thinking about other types of birth control, such as an

Because of guards having relations with them?

Regulation of periods. I'm a lesbian, and I've been on birth control since I was a kid to regulate mine.

I don't get twitter fights! They remind me of junior high bullshit where you would go on AIM under an assumed screen name, hurl an insult at someone then sign off or block them so they couldnt respond.

What, are we supposed to treat inmates like human beings? Next you're going to tell me that actually are human being.

yeah, I'm with you. I only know her name bc of all the attention she gets on Jezebel. Every time I consider looking up her music, I think, "I better not".

I really was hoping Bobbi Brown would improve. So young. I really hope the police investigate this thoroughly.

Banks needs to stop. She blames her lack of success on everything and everyone but herself. She is more famous for her Twitter feuds then her music at this point. Eventually, she's gonna have to realize the problem is her and not everyone else. Plus Badu is amazing. So sit down and learn, Banks!

Oh Azalea Banks, I love you I love your music, but honey you're crazy. Since when is turning on your locations indication you want someone to come fight you????

Ok, any little part of me that wanted to check out Banks' music just left. That chick is about and sensitive and self centered as they come. How do you get mad because somebody said they tried your music and didn't like it? A personal preference is "shade" nowadays? You know it's a damn shame when you're more known