
I think her type is super arrogant men who will put up with her bullshit.

Would it be like when Troy Barnes met Levar Burton and couldn't speak? And made this face?

I'm one of them :(

lmao sometimes it's like, people get so stoked on the idea of me getting stoked i am like HOW CAN I EVEN LIVE UP TO THE LEVEL OF STOKEDNESS idklsdkfjsld

Happy Valentines tines Day!

There's nothing wrong with her body, that's how a 47 year old body looks, if you're lucky and have very, very good genes. Why people should continue the myth that beautiful = young I don't know. Because as a species our window of youth is relatively small, and we'll be old far longer than young. That's a long time to

She looks fine. I think some of the hard edges and saggy bits (all from a life well-lived I'm sure) probably look harsher due to the lighting.

Is it time for a completely unretouched/'shopped issue of one of these magazines? Clearly, there is a public hunger for these images. Still, the models that appear will be styled and have make up and have their hair done. Why can't they meet me half way? If we can't have it all the time, can we have it as a special

She certainly doesn't look awful considering she has two kids. Her stomach is 'rippled' looking from stretch marks.

She is gorgeous. Grown ass woman gorgeous.

She looks... so human. It's refreshing.

lol 15 minutes

dig a hole and live in it and don't come out

Yes. This and J LAw being like "lol I'm so fat and unglamorous!". Right.

I was chuckling over this, too. I think it's kinda cute that we all immediately think of her!

Adulto ovaries will probably explode when she will Tay

I'm with you but I'm also slightly concerned that if Tay and Adulto meet it might be the impetus for the singularity.

I think it's weird (and kinda hilariously rad) that the majority of us regulars cannot think of TS without imagining and/or anticipating Adultosaur's reaction. If that's not a commentariat niche, I don't know WHAT is.

This is why Taylor Swift annoys me. Her whole schtick is like, "Look at what a dork I am!" but she is literally indistinguishable from her supermodel best friend. I know everyone here loves her, so... Lo, a dissenter.