

I really want to know where my membership card is, goddammit.

Solid point, Steve.

Ok, wait. Lana is Robert's long-time friend. She faced a lot of hostility in her personal life after her abortion, so in hopes of finding more compassion for her he published her story on his website dedicated to sharing stories of social injustice. Yeah. Sure. That makes total sense.

Wait, so this woman who hates men so much she aborted a male fetus in her got her buddy Robert to make her a webpage? All men are horrible except for the one guy who is doing all communication about the page I put up to say how men are horrible.

So, in other words, Lana has been his girlfriend from "Oh, she doesn't go here, I met her at camp" since High School?

OH they share a med student friend. Good for them.

I have personally known Robert since junior high. He is a liar ;).

Fair enough, thanks for trying!

So he did see and hear her abortion?

*smacks forehead*

the amount of people that shared this on my Facebook feed was disturbing.

Actually, I better check with legal on the fair use issues here before I do that. Hang on.

I'll post a full text in the comments! One sec.

Jesus god why are people so fucking dumb. The cached version is incomplete for me, but from the second sentence it's clear this is somebody making up a straw feminist who everybody can hate.

Fuckin' feminists, amirite? Out abortin' baby men and shaming trans men. What's a guy gotta do to just get his dick sucked around here anymore?

True. This one was a nice twofer.

This actually fits the MRA narrative better than the pro-life narrative, particularly with the rest of the content of the site that you listed.