
ew oh god she's so big she's going to crush us all

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... don't tell them.

I read this as "Jeb Bush Resigns After Racist and Sexist Comments are Revealed" and was SO excited.

And respectability politics is really only directed at the Black community as some sort of justification for oppression and violence. Because GOD KNOWS there aren't any white people who aren't articulate or speak in "jibberish."

I feel like some women might be. "Ah, fuck. There's a chance that I have to deal with escaping from his advances? Damn it."

Being still half-asleep, I read the headline as "Jeb Bush resigns", and I got all excited for a minute.

Yeah, that paragraph made me so angry. Thank you for putting my anger in to words.

In Florida, GOP aberrations cannot be repeated; they can only be recounted.

Eh, he's decent-looking. I'd fuck his face.

Like...do these candidates know that they're also trying to appeal to that other side of America that's not rich and white? Because they sure as hell LOVE to isolate that other half.

Ethan, honey, nobody at the gym is sorry to find out you're not gay.

Jeb Bush aide fired for racist, sexist comments revealing that even young republicans are racist, sexist ignoramusi.

I wish they would have waited until the controversy had the potential to derail the whole Bush presidential run.

Czahor, the founder of Hipster.com, has resigned from that post already, after tweets he sent out about slutty girls and gays, plus controversial writings about race, were revealed.

This whirlwind is very... interesting. They knew the tweets existed, hired him, told him to delete them, get called on it, and have him resign.

Thank goodness the GOP has put this ugly incident behind them. We can all be confident that this aberration will not be repeated.

"First of all, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a well-dressed, extremely well-spoken man; he didn't have his pants sagged to his ankles, and he wasn't delivering his speech in "jibberish" or "slang" (ie. he wasn't speaking like a rapper). He understood that looking respectable and speaking clearly and concisely isn't

Idk, maybe I just have a soft spot for my fellow punk rockers with serious babyface syndrome, but I'm really diggin' this video. I also tend to like really weird shit. Whatever. I think it's pretty chill.

Miley is like the Marilyn Manson of this decade. A little music, a bit of fashion and a lot of weird. At least he could try to explain himself.