
Yeah, but my ex's massive dong didn't get wet...I mean that thing hung way down in there.

I'd really like to know why so many men think that peeing sitting down threatens their masculinity.

Yeah, that definitely doesn't look like plastic surgery to me, at all. Just a tan, different hair color and style, and dramatically different makeup. Everything about her face is pretty obviously structurally/texturally the same.

First, Colbert.

Well. I don't think there is any reason to watch Comedy Central anymore.

Jon Stewart leaving makes me so sad. I started watching him in 2004 in my senior year in high school when my government teacher brought it clips and have watched him every since, and then in became a almost nightly thing with my SO and I for the last 5 years. I don't think I can deal with Colbert and him both leaving!

Twitter suggested Amy Poehler. I can get on board with either.

Is she ready? I don't know.

Please say Stewart 2016, please say Stewart 2016, please say Stewart 2016...

Why today, Jon. Why??? I was already having a totally shit day and then he just puts a big pile of turd icing on top. It's cruel and I think maybe I'm not going to accept his resignation. We can do that, right?

Uma looks fine. She just needs a new makeup artist and a nap.


"A good CBA would say something to this effect: we'll help you build your stadium, and in return we'll take X% of your profits until we get our investment back, same as any business partner. I don't see that happening."

Sylvia especially. (Yeah, I watch.) The whole thing was disgusting. Madison is definitely more forgiving than I, because I would not speak to those two again.

When Sylvia basically asserts, "I didn't know that my friend attacked you first so it's not my fault that I pulled you to the ground by your hair and put you in a chokehold" I couldn't help but think she's going to end up in jail at some point if she thinks that absolves her of responsibility. Also, she's a grade A

It should be noted that the apology after watching the video wasn't really an apology it was more, "I'm sorry you pissed me off so much I felt the need to attack you. Stop being a person I like to attack." Then they went somewhere else to get drunk again.

A. The Real World is still on television

"how is this an answer to the problem of private businesses extorting public funds to enrich themselves?...The underlying problem here is that the public's money doesn't generate enough new economic to justify giving it to the team in the first place."

Yeah, this CBA is all fine and dandy, but why can't cities just be like, "just purchase the land at market rates and build whatever you want. You know, like a normal company?"

Exactly. This doesn't change the fact that stadium deals are almost always a horrible investment that preys on the emotional bond a city's populace feels with it's sports teams. There's literally no way the construction of a new stadium generates economic gains anywhere close to what they cost...